How to choose the best SMS provider for your business

Topic: SMS

Looking for an SMS partner or considering changing platforms? We explore what you should consider when comparing providers to help you make the right choice for your business.

When it comes to message open rates and engagement, SMS comes out on top. It’s a highly effective channel for marketing campaigns, for sending time-sensitive reminders and alerts, and for enhancing your customer service.

For it to work most effectively though, you need a reliable, secure and reputable SMS provider who can help you to achieve your marketing and communication objectives. 

With several companies out there offering business SMS services and SMS APIs, each offering seemingly different features, we’ve compiled this guide to help you to cut through the industry jargon and choose the right provider for your business. 

Whether you’re looking for a new SMS partner or you’re considering changing platforms, below we explore some of the key factors that you should consider when comparing providers. 

What to consider when choosing an SMS provider

Every organisation will have different requirements from its SMS provider. 

Healthcare practices can reduce no-shows and save time with automated appointment reminders and confirmations. Whereas an ecommerce business might use it to drive its marketing efforts with personalised promotions and SMS surveys

Whatever sector you’re in, there are some key things to look out for when looking for a new SMS service or API provider. These include industry-leading security and compliance, affordability, excellent customer service, straightforward integration and ease-of-use.

The best SMS service providers will also know your industry inside and out, and will be able to partner with you to help to solve your business challenges rather than acting as suppliers.

They’ll continually innovate so you can access the best features to meet your customers’ changing needs and expectations.

Here are 13 key features to consider when looking for a provider:

Security and compliance 

The most important element to consider when choosing a new SMS provider is security and compliance. It not only helps to safeguard your reputation and can prevent costly fines but also reassures customers that their information is protected.

Businesses collect lots of sensitive data like a customer’s mobile number, payment information, email address, purchase history and income level. It’s your responsibility to keep this information safe, so choose your SMS service provider carefully.

Check for security certificates and for compliance assurance. For example, Esendex has a ISO27001 accreditation which means your customers’ data is protected to the highest standard and it is compliant with laws including GDPR. It’s worth reading any provider’s privacy and data protection policy and to be familiar with your own responsibilities

Does the provider encourage the use of opt-in and opt-out – which is a legal requirement – and does it support one time passwords, two-factor authentication (2FA) and SMS alerts to protect against fraud? 


All marketers like to get more bang for their buck, so price is always an important consideration. Look for an SMS provider which is cost competitive, but doesn’t compromise on service. 

With Esendex, costs start from 2.2p per message and include direct on-demand phone and email support as a free service rather than being levied at an additional cost. 

Here’s how Esendex prices and service compares against some other leading providers: 

Price per creditSaving using EsendexFree direct on-demand
phone and email support
Text Global£0.038025%
Twilio£0.03288%Priced at 8% of Monthly Spend
Vonage£0.035015%From £1100 per month
Reach Interactive£0.036018%
SMS Works£0.034513%
Text Magic£0.040032%
Message Hero£0.03309%
Fire Text£0.040032%
Bulk SMS£0.037523%
Red SMS£0.045048%
Average saving24%GET A QUOTE

When looking at different providers, always check the pricing plan including any hidden fees and take advantage of any free trials, so you can road test the platform before committing (check out our free trial here!).

As with any investment, get quotes from providers so you can calculate which is better-suited to your budget. However, always factor in considerations like security, accreditations and good customer service alongside the price, because it will work out better in the long term and offer you and your customers additional peace of mind.  

Is a verified sender ID available? 

Verified sender ID is also essential to preventing fraud and offers customers peace of mind that your text is legitimate. Instead of displaying a mobile number, your business name will be displayed which looks professional and is also good for brand awareness.

Channels like WhatsApp and rich communication services (RCS), which Esendex also offers, let you create a business profile for extra security and transparency. Customers can click on it to view your information, and you can customise it with your brand colours and logo to instil further confidence and create a consistent customer experience. 

Hassle-free integration

If you’re going to be integrating an SMS API into your existing CRM or software, you need to establish how straightforward this process is likely to be. 

Check out how long the integration process is, what IT support if any is required and if the new platform will integrate with your existing technology stack. If the answer is yes, the chances are the provider will be a good fit for your organisation. 

If the installation is seamless it will help smooth any transition period. You should also ask about scalability – will the provider be able to support more contacts and campaigns and offer you true global reach as your business grows?

The Esendex platform is easy to set up and doesn’t need IT support, ensuring your team can get up to speed in minutes. It can be integrated with your existing software and once set up, you have access to hundreds of message templates so you can get started immediately. 

How fast is delivery?

SMS is perfect for time-sensitive communication because it has instant reach and doesn’t rely on an internet connection. Delivered straight to the recipient, there is less risk of it sitting in an inbox or being lost in a spam folder.

A good SMS provider will support a quick delivery speed which is particularly important for communications like medical test results, limited-time sales, or contacting staff or customers in the event of an emergency. Whether you’re sending one text or tens-of-thousands, you need a platform that is reliable, secure and scalable and is above all, fast and easy to use. 

How many messages can be sent at a time?

Whether you’re a small business or a growing brand, SMS service providers should have the infrastructure to send thousands of texts at a time. 

Texts can be sent as a ‘one to all’ which is a standard message sent to all your contacts. There is also ‘many to many’ where you have more chances to customise messages for a group. Finally, you can choose ‘dynamic to all’ which is where texts can be completely personalised using your customers’ data. 

Is it easy to personalise messages? 

Every marketer knows that personalisation is key to a high-performing marketing campaign. In fact, 71% of customers expect personalisation and 76% become frustrated if they don’t receive it. 

Your SMS provider should support personalisation to ensure texts are relevant, engaging and meet customer expectations. This will improve your conversion rate and return on investment (ROI) for your marketing spend. 

With Esendex, you can easily personalise SMS by adding fields like first name, surname, gender or age. Details like appointment dates and times can also be personalised and sent in bulk or automated. 

Does the provider offer bulk SMS? 

Bulk SMS is key to getting information sent quickly and cost-effectively. Your provider should offer you a bulk SMS platform where you can automate SMS and personalise texts to send to a group of contacts or a complete list. 

Does the provider offer automated SMS? 

Check if the SMS provider supports automation, which is critical to saving you both time and money. 

Texts about order updates, appointment reminders and confirmations, feedback after a call, or meeting reminders can easily be automated to reduce pressure on your team and help to reduce no-shows. The technology should enable the SMS to be triggered automatically, so you don’t have to do anything. 

Esendex uses a ‘rule-based system’ which enables you to create auto-replies or bespoke communication. Some 83% of customers expect immediate engagement after they contact a company, and SMS automations mean you can instantly acknowledge their message to improve satisfaction. 

Does the provider support WhatsApp, RCS and email? 

SMS is a fantastic channel on its own, but with WhatsApp, RCS and email, you can craft an omnichannel strategy to increase reach and engagement. Using other channels alongside SMS also shows that you’re considering your customers’ communication preferences which can boost satisfaction. 

WhatsApp has two billion active users, so its reach is huge. It’s a great channel for customer service queries and for ecommerce as you can send two-way messages, receive read receipts, send lengthier texts, attach documents and share engaging videos and pictures. 

RCS allows you to send longer texts than SMS alone and to include rich cards like QR codes and button replies. It’s interactive and can improve customer experience and engagement. If a customer’s device doesn’t support RCS, it’s automatically converted and sent as an SMS instead.

Email is a highly-valuable channel for your marketing campaigns especially when used in tandem with other channels. You can include more in-depth information, multimedia elements, attach documents and links to improve conversions. It also allows you to track your open and click-through rate to judge how well your campaign is performing. 

Can you send two-way messages? 

Your SMS provider should offer two-way conversation to help you solve customer queries and complaints, and to schedule interviews or appointments. SMS supports two-way conversation, but you can also opt for one-way communication if a reply isn’t necessary.

Choose from a one-way or two-way account. Also be aware you can use SMS Chat for two-way conversations which helps to reduce contact centre call volumes and enables you to send quick replies to customers. 


Measuring your SMS campaigns ensures that you get the best value for money from your investment.

Opt for a provider that offers message reports detailing if the text was delivered, the delivery rate, conversion rate, cost per conversion and click-through rate. This data is essential to calculating your marketing ROI and provides valuable insights about who is engaging with your messages. 

You also learn how many customers opted-out of receiving SMS and whether you have outdated mobile numbers. With SMS surveys, you can get real-time responses and download your report choosing from spreadsheet results or visual analytics like a pie or bar chart

Experience and expertise

Choose a reliable provider with the experience and expertise to guarantee fast delivery and sector knowledge to understand your unique communication needs. Can the provider share any positive reviews, case studies or testimonials? 

Esendex has over 46,000 customers and 20 years’ experience in SMS in a number of sectors like healthcare, retail, ecommerce, education and travel. It is trusted by big brands like British Airlines, Ocado, E.on and Just Eat, and operates globally with offices in the UK, US, Australia and the APAC region, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.

Customer care is always on hand, so get in touch to solve queries or for extra support.. Esendex also has an Industry-leading net promoter score (NPS) which means customers are highly likely to recommend the platform. 

Who’s the best SMS provider? 

It’s hard for us to say (without being biased) who the best SMS provider is, because ultimately it depends on your priorities, your budget and other factors.

What we will say is that you should carefully consider what features are available – including things like two-way conversation, surveys, WhatsApp, RCS, automations and personalisation – and rigorously check the provider’s security credentials. 

If you aren’t sure what features they offer, contact the customer service team first to get a general feel for the company and ask for more information (you can contact ours here). 

Esendex is committed to delivering mobile communications that support business and growth. With over 20 years of experience in the industry and an expert team – from developers to customer service agents – the team is on hand to help businesses integrate SMS as seamlessly as possible. 

Find out how our SMS services can support your business.

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Mary Henry

Mary has extensive experience in communication, PR and journalism - most recently across SaaS businesses. A keen researcher and storyteller, Mary is highly skilled in making complex concepts accessible, and in putting customers at the heart of her communication. She has supported all kinds of businesses to tell their brand, product and people stories - from global multinationals to start-ups across retail, travel/leisure, banking/finance, government and educational institutions.