Mobysoft and Esendex have announced a formal partnership that will enable social landlords to reach and support their tenants in the most efficient, effective, and timely manner.
Mobysoft, whose rent arrears software solution RentSense, is used by more than 180 social landlords across the UK, has partnered with Esendex, who provide award-winning, best-in-class omnichannel communications and fulfilment solutions to the Social Housing market and local governments..
The partnership is focused on integrating industry-leading rent payment platforms that will give landlords the opportunity to automate and identify the most effective channels of communications with their tenants in an accurate and timely manner.
In recent times, rent collections have become more challenging. Driven by the impact of COVID-19, the rising cost of living, and the withdrawal of the £20 UC uplift, there is an immediate need to free up time for landlords and front-line staff to better support tenants most in need.
“This partnership provides a really exciting opportunity for us to collectively reach and assist more vulnerable tenants through Esendex’s digital communication solutions. Esendex has put a major focus on assisting Housing Associations and Local Governments in collecting arrears in an engaging, empathetic and ethical manner – as recognised by the ‘Collections Innovation Award 2021’ from the CSA.“
Jack Forster
National Solutions Strategist, at Esendex
“The ability for Esendex to select and fulfil vital communications across multiple channels, derived from RentSense’s arrears caseload will mean intervention is prompt and timely, enabling landlords to focus on the conversation and support and not the fulfilment. This, at a time when landlords are having to do more with less, which will help further embed critical efficiencies.”
Paul Evans
Commercial Director, at Mobysoft commented