Recruit smarter with SMS: Practical tips and text templates

Topic: Recruitment, SMS

We explore the benefits of using SMS for recruitment and share some engaging recruiting text message templates for you to get started with straight away.

SMS is a reliable recruitment tool that offers fast and direct communication with applicants, whether you’re sending job alerts, arranging interviews or answering questions. The recruitment process isn’t always straightforward but good communication can improve candidate satisfaction and get them into their new role without unnecessary delays.

With near-universal mobile ownership, candidates are only a text away, and many parts of the process can be automated to save you time and money.

In this guide we explore the benefits of SMS for recruitment, how to get the most out of it, and share some engaging text message templates to streamline the process. 

How can SMS help with recruitment? 

Whether you work for a recruitment agency or as part of an in-house HR team, close contact with applicants and clients will ensure the recruitment process runs smoothly. 

SMS can be used during recruitment when: 

  • Sharing new job opportunities 
  • Promoting job fairs or networking events  
  • Supporting the application process
  • Status updates 
  • Arranging interviews 
  • Requesting documents 
  • Job offers 
  • Onboarding 

Clients will also expect to be kept in the loop about potential hires or progress, and SMS is a fast way to reach them too. 

With open rates of up to 98%, your text won’t get lost while two-way SMS conversations offer a discreet way to arrange interviews, offer advice and answer questions particularly if candidates can’t take calls during office hours. And you can encourage applicants to submit important forms or send links to any tests they may need to complete. 

Automated SMS saves your team time because texts can be triggered at key points in the recruitment process. For example, interview confirmations and reminders, job alerts and document requests. You can even send auto replies to a candidate, so they know their message has reached you. 

Recruitment texts can be personalised with your candidate’s first names to create a connection and foster trust. Personalised job alerts can be sent out in bulk to an entire list of people or a specific group. 

With WhatsApp and Rich Communications Services (RCS), you can also send pictures, videos, GIFs, location or documents. This might include videos of helpful interview tips, include forms the candidate needs to submit, or pin the location of the interview venue. 

Benefits of SMS for recruitment 

With a secure and reliable SMS platform, businesses can encourage applications and boost placement rates, while ensuring a good experience for candidates. 

Here are a few benefits of SMS for recruitment: 

Competitive edge: Recruitment communications are often conducted via email or phone call, so SMS helps you stand out and reach candidates directly. 

High open and engagement rates: Around 90% of texts are read within three minutes, so you have a good opportunity to drive action in this competitive market.

Data assurance: With an opt-out option and data showing undelivered messages, you can easily keep candidate information and preferences up to date. 

Fast replies: Because texts are sent immediately, you can get fast responses and fill vacancies quickly after alerting qualified candidates to new jobs. This is especially helpful for temporary roles or shift cover, which need filling ASAP. 

Reduce no shows: With interview confirmation and reminders, ensure the candidate is well-prepped and on time. 

Improve onboarding: With SMS, securely send important information like start dates and what documents are required on day one, so the new starter’s  transition is seamless

Impress clients: Improve communication with clients by alerting them to candidate shortlists, sharing applications or asking quick questions. 

Fast feedback: With SMS surveys, you can see whether there were any barriers or frustrations and take steps to remove them. 

How to write recruitment text messages

With a 160 character limit, texts need to be to the point and concise. It’s best to use simple and engaging language, so avoid business jargon and adopt a friendly tone.

To write recruitment SMS, start with a warm welcome – ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ work well because they are professional, but still conversational. Follow this with the candidate’s first name using the dynamic fields within the Esendex platform to add them. 

Next, share the reason that you’re messaging. Keep it short and sweet, for example, ‘we’ve got a new job opening that matches your skills.’ This informs potential applicants of a new job and creates interest because it’s relevant to them  Add details about the role too, like the location, company, title, salary or closing date. 

Finally, end with a strong call-to-action (CTA) like ‘apply now.’ This is direct and adds a sense of urgency. You can also add a link to a tailored SMS landing page to create a fully-branded and engaging experience, and track the performance of the texts. 

Where appropriate, use emojis to ensure candidates see you as approachable.

SMS recruitment templates 

One of the best things about SMS is that it isn’t resource intensive. You don’t need to write detailed copy or design visuals to go with it, so your team can focus on important tasks like matching the right applicants to the right roles. We’ve put these SMS recruitment templates together to help you.

Job openings

We have a [JOB TITLE] role that matches your requirements. If you’d like more details, please reply to this message with: MORE DETAILS.

Hi [NAME], we are hiring for a new [JOB TITLE] and think you’d be a great fit. Click the link to find out more [LINK] 

Interview offers 

Hi [NAME], you have been invited for an interview for the role [JOB TITLE]. Please visit the online portal to let us know your availability. [LINK] 

If you need to send lengthier texts, attach documents, or include interactive features, you can use Whatsapp and RCS.

Hi [NAME], we are pleased to confirm your interview on [DATE] at our [LOCATION] office. So that we can organise a suitable time, please reply to this message with your preferred time. Here are the times available: [TIME] and [TIME].

Confirmation and reminders 

Hi [NAME], your interview is on [DATE] at [TIME]. Let us know if you need to make any changes!

Hi [NAME], you have an interview booked with [NAME] at [ADDRESS] on [DATE] at [TIME]. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. 

Hello [NAME]! Just a reminder that the new [JOB TITLE] job at [COMPANY] deadline is nearing. Apply now [LINK].

Talent sourcing 

Hello [NAME], we’ve matched your skills to an exciting new role at [COMPANY] in [LOCATION]. If you’re interested, reply to this text and I can send more details. Or visit [LINK]. 

Hi [NAME], we think you’d be a perfect fit for this new [JOB TITLE] job at [COMPANY]. Reply back if you have any questions or apply here [LINK]. 

Process updates 

Hi [NAME], we’re pleased to share that you have made it to the next stage of interviews! Login to the online portal to book a slot for the presentation [LINK]. 

Hello [NAME], thanks for applying for the new [JOB TITLE] role at [COMPANY]. We just need a few documents to support your application. Click the link to find out more [LINK]. 


Hi [NAME], we’d love to know your thoughts on the interview process for the [JOB TITLE] role. Could you please take a moment to complete this quick survey? [LINK]. 

Hello [NAME], thanks for applying for the [JOB TITLE] role. Would you mind leaving us some feedback? We’d love to hear what you thought of the process. [LINK] 

Hi [NAME]! On a scale of 0 to 10, how satisfied were you with your experience with [COMPANY] on [DATE]? (0 = not at all, 10 = extremely)

How to engage applicants using SMS 

SMS is used to send important information like job updates or reminders, which makes it convenient and engaging for applicants. But it can also be used to improve engagement which we outline below. 

Be helpful 

Use SMS to send helpful and relevant information, otherwise candidates could lose interest and  you risk annoying them. Only send a message when it’s necessary like an interview reminder or asking them to submit mandatory information.


Keep your message tone conversational and friendly to eliminate any anxiety or stress. This can also make candidates feel more comfortable about asking questions or completing an application. 

Personalise messages using the applicant’s first name or details like interview time and date, or updates. The more relevant the text is to the applicant, the higher the engagement. Use tools like WhatsApp or RCS to send pictures, videos, polls or documents to create an interactive and memorable experience. 

Get the timing right 

Send texts during business hours to maintain your professionalism. Schedule messages at a time candidates are likely to be most active, such as first thing in the morning or at lunchtime.

Don’t spam

Don’t send too many messages otherwise you could risk a higher opt-out rate. 

Think about key points in the recruitment journey where candidates need to know information and share key details. A single confirmation and a reminder asking the candidate to confirm they are attending is all that’s needed. These can be triggered with SMS automations to save you time. 

Verified sender ID 

Use verified sender ID to underscore your professionalism and to offer candidates peace of mind that a text is legitimate. With RCS, set up a branded business profile with your logo, brand colours and description to create a memorable and consistent applicant journey. 

Consider preferences 

SMS is a popular channel for short and concise texts that share important information that puts candidates at ease. But if your candidate prefers WhatsApp or email, which Esendex also offers, take that into account when messaging. You can also use multiple channels to increase your reach and make sure your message is seen. 

Hiring the best candidates with SMS 

Send relevant job alerts, encourage applications and keep candidates updated with progress using conversational and warm texts. By creating a seamless and memorable experience, you can fill roles quicker, including niche ones, and keep candidates excited about working with you as they progress through their career. 

Esendex has decades of experience helping over 46,000 customers communicate efficiently. Experienced in the recruitment sector, find out how the team can support you with secure and reliable SMS

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Mary Henry

Mary has extensive experience in communication, PR and journalism - most recently across SaaS businesses. A keen researcher and storyteller, Mary is highly skilled in making complex concepts accessible, and in putting customers at the heart of her communication. She has supported all kinds of businesses to tell their brand, product and people stories - from global multinationals to start-ups across retail, travel/leisure, banking/finance, government and educational institutions.