SMS payment reminder templates that work 

Topic: Finance & DCAs, SMS
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SMS payment reminders are an effective way to chase down money you are owed and avoid late payments. Use these ready-to-go template messages to get started.

Whether it’s for unpaid energy bills, credit card payments, mobile phone contracts, subscriptions, loans or tuition fees, chasing late payments is a challenge that many businesses face. Organisations in the public sector, such as social housing providers, experience these issues too.

This is where sending SMS payment reminders can help. Not only are they an effective way to chase down money you are owed, but they can help you to proactively avoid late payments in the first place too. 

But how should you word your payment reminder messages so that you come across as firm but fair? We’ve put together a list of polite but effective SMS payment reminder templates below which you can start to use straight away: 

Payment reminder text message templates 

To ask for payment professionally in a message, your text needs to be clear and straightforward. It should include the amount due, due date, instructions and payment options. You could even include a link to a payment page to speed up access. 

Try these message templates to get started: 

A quick reminder 

Hi [NAME], a quick reminder that the scheduled payment for [AMOUNT] will be taken from your account by [DATE]. To make changes to your payments, please visit [LINK].

Gentle nudge   

Hey [NAME]! We’re here to gently remind you that [AMOUNT] will be due in [DAYS]. For more information, call us at [PHONE NUMBER] or visit our website: [LINK]

Helpful prompt  

Hi, [NAME]. [AMOUNT] is outstanding on your account. Avoid additional fees if you pay by [DATE]. For more info, log into your account or give us a call.


A payment reminder message on WhatsApp can better engage people who have chosen it as their preferred communication channel.

It has a higher character limit too, so use it to send more detailed messages and any images or links to documents, but be careful not to write too much copy. Read receipts will also help you to track the customers who have seen your payment reminder. 

To send a payment reminder on WhatsApp, use the following templates: 

Hi, [NAME]. A sum of [AMOUNT] is outstanding on your account. Avoid additional fees if you pay by [DATE]. For more info or to request changes to your payment plan, log into your account or give us a call.

Quick alert

Hi [NAME], your latest bill is ready for you to view. Just visit [LINK].

See our Whatsapp solutions for business to start sending reminders via Whatsapp.

Rich messaging (RCS)

RCS can be a good alternative to SMS when it comes to requesting payments because you can add interactive buttons like ‘pay now’ or ‘contact us’ to drive action. Rich media like images, documents or QR codes also improve customer engagement. 

View your bill

Hi [NAME], your latest bill is ready for you to view. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Unsuccessful payment notification

Your payment for [ORDER/POLICY NUMBER] was unsuccessful. Please log into your account to update your payment information or reach out to our friendly team.

Low balance  

Low balance alert: Your current balance is [NUMBER] on your account.

See our rich messaging solutions to start sending reminders via RCS.


Your one-time password is [NUMBER]. Do not share this password with anyone. This password will expire in [TIMEFRAME].

Your password has just been changed. If this was not you, please get in touch with us now.

Opt in or out  

Thanks for signing up to receive updates from us! Text HELP if you have any questions and STOP to opt out.

You have successfully unsubscribed from our [CHANNEL] updates.

Want more templates? Visit the Esendex text message template library for 150+ options.

Text message payment reminder best practices

Short and sweet 

With SMS, you have 160-characters to play with, so messages need to be short and compelling. The purpose of your text should be clear and customers should know they need to take action and make a payment. 


Some 71% of customers expect personalisation, so customising payment reminders can improve  satisfaction leading to higher engagement rates. Address customers by their first name and make the text ultra relevant to grab attention. 

Friendly yet professional

To write a gentle reminder message, the tone of your SMS should be friendly but firm – payment is not negotiable and confusing messages may cause recipients to ignore it. Stay professional to maintain your reputation and credibility while ensuring your message is clear. 

Verified sender ID 

With mobile scams on the increase, verified sender ID lets customers know your text is legitimate especially if you’re sending a payment link. It helps to minimise fraud and improves trust between you and your customers. 

Time it right 

Sending a payment reminder months in advance or after the due date won’t be effective. A week before the deadline is ideal as it gives customers plenty of notice, while a follow up reminder the day before prompts them that the deadline is approaching. To politely follow up, you can also send a confirmation text.

Keep communications within business hours for better chances of engagement and don’t send too many payment reminders otherwise you could risk annoying customers and coming across as spammy. 

Provide options 

Take customer communication preferences into consideration. The Esendex platform supports SMS, RCS, Whatsapp, email and SMS Chat for two-way conversation. 

In some sectors like social housing, energy and banking, you may have older or vulnerable customers who aren’t confident using the internet. However, they may use SMS so it’s a good way to reach them and ensure they’re not excluded. Reminding customers of the flexible payment options you offer is also a good idea. 

Add links 

Increase your chance of payment by including links to payment portals for convenience and direct access.  


A good call-to-action (CTA) helps to drive action. Phrases like ‘pay now’ or ‘view summary’ provide clear calls to action and communicate a sense of urgency which is effective if payment is imminent. 


Chasing up payments needs to be managed in a considered, sensitive and ethical way so you don’t risk embarrassing or causing any additional upset to your customers. 

If you collect payments or information, you need to do all you can to guard against cybercrime so a secure communication channel is critical. The good news is that Esendex is compliant with laws like GDPR and ISO27001 certified, which means your customer data is protected to the highest standards. 

Transform payments with SMS and mobile journeys 

Late payments can set businesses back leading to cash flow issues, increased borrowing, fines, damaging relationships with suppliers and it can even halt projects. Similarly, asking for payment from loyal customers can also impact your relationship while taking up valuable administrative time. 

Automated SMS solutions offer a fast and painless way of chasing payment, saving you hours of time and reducing those awkward conversations. 

If your business faces challenges with chasing down and collecting payments, Esendex’s mobile journey solution offers a way for you to create a seamless end-to-end transactional journey that’s convenient for you and your customers. 

From sending out automated payment reminder messages to providing a fully branded and secure payment environment, you can increase your payment conversions and reduce your cost to collect funds with hassle free mobile payments

Get in touch with an expert to learn more. 

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Mary Henry

Mary has extensive experience in communication, PR and journalism - most recently across SaaS businesses. A keen researcher and storyteller, Mary is highly skilled in making complex concepts accessible, and in putting customers at the heart of her communication. She has supported all kinds of businesses to tell their brand, product and people stories - from global multinationals to start-ups across retail, travel/leisure, banking/finance, government and educational institutions.