What are the business benefits of RCS?

Topic: RCS

Some of the top benefits of RCS to businesses are the ability to offer a rich messaging experience, without consumers needing to download a separate app.

RCS, which stands for Rich Communcation Services, is a type of messaging that offers a rich, immersive experience. Touted as the next generation of SMS, you can send and receive not only texts, but images, videos, location pins and more too. 

Why should businesses use RCS? Here are some top reasons why.

The business benefits of RCS:

Enhanced customer experience

One of the biggest benefits of RCS is the ability to deliver a rich messaging experience without recipients needing to download a separate app. As RCS is built on top of the SMS channel, you can send messages that include multimedia content (e.g. images, videos and GIFs), buttons, location pins and more. 

This makes for more interactive messages, which help to improve engagement and the overall customer experience.

Improved customer trust

Businesses that use RCS can benefit from a branded profile. Similar to WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business Platform, you can include a brand name, logo and description that may outline your business slogan, address and contact information.

You can also benefit from business verification. That means you will have a verified tick next to your brand name, which will further boost customer confidence and trust. 

Higher response rates and improved ROI

Thanks to the ability to create rich content, you can send messages customers actually want to interact with. For example, elevate a simple appointment reminder with a button that prompts recipients to manage their booking. Not only can this free up your phone line and customer service team, but it encourages customers to interact with your messages.

The ability to have two-way conversations

Like WhatsApp, RCS is a great channel to engage in two-way conversations that feel natural. Here are some examples of the two-way chats you could have: 

  • A survey sent via an RCS message and asking customers to reply with a particular number.
  • A chatbot which handles frequently asked questions, freeing up your customer service team to focus on more complex cases.
  • Customer support available on RCS. Customers can speak to the support team in real-time – like live chat – but chats won’t time out. They can also share pictures, videos and more.
  • Inviting responses to specific messages e.g. a product launch and asking customers to reply if they’d like to learn more.

A higher character limit than SMS

SMS messages are limited to 160 characters each. If your message includes more than 160 characters, it will be sent in multiple texts. RCS, on the other hand, doesn’t have a character limit.

Although you’re unlikely to send messages that are thousands of words long, it’s good to know that you don’t need to prioritise short, snappy copy. Instead, you can focus on tailoring your message to specific audiences.

Fall back to SMS

If a recipient’s device isn’t RCS-enabled, will they not receive the message all together? No, there’s actually an SMS fallback option. This means if an RCS message is sent to a non RCS-enabled device, they will receive an SMS message instead. 

Depending on your choice of RCS messaging provider, you may still be able to benefit from the rich messaging experience. For example, at Esendex, we offer mobile landing pages. So, any messages sent to an non RCS-enabled device will be converted to an SMS message that also contains a link to a mobile landing page. 

That means you can still send your customers multimedia content, buttons and more.

Dive deeper into the world of RCS messaging

RCS is often referred to as the future of SMS communication. It takes all of the best parts of SMS (the 98% open rate and its extensive reach) and combines it with the interactive nature of rich messaging channels like WhatsApp

Without needing to download a separate app, both businesses and customers can benefit from more engaging, memorable conversations that feel natural and familiar. To find out more about RCS, from features and functionalities to industry applications, check out our quick start guide below.

Or, reach out to us – we’re happy to help!

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Mayzin Han

Marketing strategist with 8 years of experience, 5+ of which in B2B tech. Currently the Senior Marketing Program Manager at Commify, I work closely with field marketing teams who sit across EMEA and APAC to strategise and create campaigns that meet customer and prospect needs. My background in content marketing means that I'm passionate about all things words, grammar and punctuation. In my free time, I like to run, box and torture myself at spin class because lots of cardio means you can eat what you want!