5 top benefits of WhatsApp Business Platform

Topic: WhatsApp
Image of person looking at WhatsApp icon thinking 'why should i use WhatsApp Business Platform?'

With more than 2 billion monthly users, you should be using WhatsApp Business Platform to connect with customers. Here are 5 benefits that will convince you.

Did you know that WhatsApp has more than 2 billion monthly active users and that people spend an average of 38 minutes on the app a day? It’s no wonder that organisations are increasingly turning to WhatsApp Business Platform to help boost customer engagement and build long lasting relationships. But what are the main benefits of WhatsApp Business Platform? Why organisations should add it into their strategy? Here are some more reasons why you should be incorporating WhatsApp Business into your customer communications strategy.

5 benefits of WhatsApp Business Platform

  1. Meet customers where they already are
  2. Have richer, more natural interactions
  3. Connect with customers faster
  4. Improve resource allocation and internal efficiency
  5. Adopt an omnichannel customer communication strategy

1. Meet customers where they already are

WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging app. And that is exactly why businesses should be using this channel. Your customers are already using it to connect with their friends and family. So, why not allow them to connect with their favourite brands too? Moreover, you won’t need to ask customers to download anything else on their phones, which is another great benefit of using WhatsApp Business Platform for your customer communications.

Learn more here: How to Improve Whatsapp Opt-ins for more information on how to build a compliant subscriber list.

2. Richer, more natural interactions

Another benefit of using WhatsApp Business Platform is the possibility for you to send images, GIFs, videos and interactive buttons (e.g. suggested/quick replies). These rich elements allow you to ensure every interaction is engaging and memorable right from the start. Conversations are two-way and don’t time out, so unlike live chat, customers don’t have to worry about their chats disappearing. They can reply as and when it suits them – just like a conversation with a friend. Moreover, it’s widely known that Gen Z doesn’t like spending time talking on the phone. So offering them the opportunity to receive support via a chat, like it was a normal conversation, is a great benefit.

It also gives you a chance to show off your brand personality and deliver a positive experience that your customers will remember.

3. Connect with customers faster

Once users have opted in to receive communications via WhatsApp from you, you can create message templates which make sending messages faster and easier. To prevent users from being spammed, Meta has strict policies to maintain content quality. So, with their built-in user feedback controls so you can monitor engagement and ensure it stays high. 

There are three quality states – high, medium and low – and they are determined by how the messages have been received by your recipients over the last seven days. Use this knowledge to continuously improve your message content. In fact, having a low quality rating may impact your communications and your customer relationships.

4. Improve resource allocation and internal efficiency

Use WhatsApp for customer service and improve internal efficiency. For example, simultaneously manage multiple conversations from within the Esendex platform. Various users can be attached to an account to reduce customer queues, allow for speedy response rates and reduce inbound calls and emails, freeing your teams up to focus on higher value tasks. 

If you’re finding customers are asking similar questions, why not set up automated responses via WhatsApp Business Platform? This can help point customers in the right direction and give your team more time to spend on the queries that require a human touch (for example, bespoke pricing quotes).

5. Adopt an omnichannel customer communication strategy

According to PwC’s The Future of CX report, nearly half (42%) of all customers globally would pay more for greater convenience. That includes being able to speak to businesses via the channel of their choice. 

At Esendex, we can help ensure your WhatsApp Business Platform is seamlessly integrated with your existing comms channels (e.g. SMS, email etc). So not only can customers choose their preferred channel to connect with you, but even if they start on one channel and decide to continue on another, their experience remains the same.

WhatsApp Business Platform can help you boost customer engagement and form stronger relationships

Whether customers are trying to reach you or vice versa, using the world’s most popular messaging app makes sense if you want to connect with customers – fast. So, when you use WhatsApp to communicate with your customers, you’re meeting them where they already are. Connecting with customers can become much faster and more convenient which can help you boost loyalty and retention.

Are you ready to get started with WhatsApp Business Platform? Or perhaps you’re already on your WhatsApp Business journey and are wanting to get more out of your channel investment. 

In our guide to WhatsApp Business Platform, we cover everything you need to know to get started. From benefits to best practices, if you’re ready to dive deeper, click the button below.

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Mayzin Han

Marketing strategist with 8 years of experience, 5+ of which in B2B tech. Currently the Senior Marketing Program Manager at Commify, I work closely with field marketing teams who sit across EMEA and APAC to strategise and create campaigns that meet customer and prospect needs. My background in content marketing means that I'm passionate about all things words, grammar and punctuation. In my free time, I like to run, box and torture myself at spin class because lots of cardio means you can eat what you want!