Augmenting the customer experience with meaningful, personalised SMS communications

The Challenge

With restrictions on group and contact sporting activities during lockdown. MAN V FAT sought to reignite interest across lapsed members to support ambitious plans to increase their network of clubs by 74%.

The Solution

Working with Esendex, MAN V FAT created SMS Landing Pages to deliver a truly mobile-first experience to lapsed members. The team had already employed channels such as email, social media and their website – but were compelled by the high engagement rates of SMS.

The Results

Since implementing SMS, MAN V FAT have benefited from engagement rates of 30-35%, compared to just 20-25% they were getting from email campaigns.

MAN v FAT is an award-winning national weight loss programme in the UK, comprising a unique network of football clubs exclusively for men looking to take control of their health and wellbeing.

The network boasts 115 clubs across England, Scotland, and Wales, and the company has ambitious growth plans to increase this to 200 in the near future. 

When sporting activities ground to a complete halt during the pandemic, MAN v FAT continued to provide their members with nutrition, wellbeing, and lifestyle support despite freezing all monthly payments. Since returning to the pitch post-lockdown, the business has seen a 30-35% growth in memberships.


Since implementing SMS, we’ve seen engagement rates of around 30-35% on average, compared to just 20-25% we were getting from some of our email campaigns to non-members”

Matt Hudson

Head of Marketing – MAN V FAT

The Solution

MAN v FAT sought a solution to reignite interest across lapsed members who left due to lockdown restrictions to support their ambitious growth plans. The team was already utilising traditional channels like email, social media, and their website but were compelled by SMS’s considerably higher engagement metrics and personal nature.

With growth on the horizon, the team was keen to implement a solution that wouldn’t just help overcome the challenges of today. MAN v FAT sought a sophisticated communications platform that would empower their teams to continually improve the member experience, long into the future.

SMS Landing Pages from Esendex empower MAN v FAT to go beyond just getting their message heard. Messaging Studio lets you design and build mobile-first landing pages for an exceptional customer experience on any mobile device.

Man V Fat gif
NB: Above image is an example only. This is not the exact copy used by MAN V FAT

The Future

SMS messaging is just a small part of how Esendex can help businesses reach their customers. Automated SMS notifications and reminders can help members keep track of their account balance, payments, and upcoming events without putting any admin pressure on the employees.

SMS Surveys also help ensure products and services are in line with member expectations and empower the business to respond to changing demands.