SMS surveys eBook with Esendex

For most, if not all businesses, it’s important to know whether your customers are happy. Not only are happy customers more likely to purchase from you again and spend more, but they may even influence other people to seek you out.
In our eBook, we cover the top best practices you need to know when building a survey for SMS.

About the Guide

Requests for feedback over email are too easy to ignore and often end up lost in spam folders. Text messages on the other hand, have an average open rate that’s as high as 98%, so they’re much more likely to attract attention.

With our SMS survey solution, you can send:

  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Market research
  • New product/service ratings
  • Staff feedback forms

Learn more about SMS surveys, the different types and our 4 key steps to building the perfect survey in our eBook.

Download your copy today.

Access the guide

All you need to do is complete the following information:

“SMS can help you directly connect with your customers – quickly and easily.”

Find out more about our SMS services and the potential they can offer your business.